Our Expertise
Public Financial Management
We have helped governments improve public financial management and advance thought leadership on approaches to overcoming policy and institutional constraints to competitiveness, socioeconomic development, and poverty reduction. Our experience in a wide range of transformational environments provides us the necessary context to foster efficient and effective financial management systems, results-driven budgeting, transparent and accountable public expenditure management, contributing to broad-based, sustainable economic growth.
Big Data Analytics
This “data revolution” requires greater collaboration between the public and private sector to share information and improve evidence-based policy-making and planning. STRAP recognizes that this cannot be achieved through business as usual. New partners, new approaches and even new sources of data are needed. Using the power of Big Data, STRAP has helped governments, to track progress and make sure their decisions are evidence-based to strengthen accountability and bring transparency in its operations.
Innovation & Technology
Innovation driven growth is no longer the prerogative of high income countries alone. Developing countries have achieved significant economic growth through the creation and deployment of innovative technology solutions. STRAP has supported governments in bringing accountability into the PFM systems through designing and developing MIS, integrating systems, and advising them in introducing, or modernizing alternate payment mechanisms for efficient and transparent service delivery to the poorest of the poor communities.
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